my recommendations

These are the stories and authors that sit on my own shelf. If you enjoyed my work, or if you’re just looking for something new to read, go check them out!

Brandon sanderson

My favorite author, and a prolific one at that. I’m not going to list out all of his works, but if you’re a fan of unique magic systems, grand worlds, and stories that build and come together to magnificent endings, then he’s the best place to go.

frank herbert

Author of the Dune series, his work is the pinnacle of science-fiction. The most recent adaptation to cinema was also, in my opinion, superb.

  • Dune

  • Dune Messiah

  • Children of Dune

  • God Emperor of Dune

Robin hobb

Writer of the Farseer Trilogy and subsequent Realm of the Elderlings series, her prose is gorgeous and steals the show for me. The fact that the story it top tier just makes it all that much better.

  • The Mistborn Series

  • The Stormlight Archive

  • Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

  • Tress of the Emerald Sea

  • Realm of the Elderlings Series

Andrzej sapkowski

The world of the Witcher is one of my favorites. I found this to be a bit of a slow build, but the climax was so, so satisfying. His more recent works in this series have been great, action packed stories that compel you to turn the page.

  • The Witcher Series

J. R. R. Tolkien

I feel like I shouldn’t even have to mention this one, but the man who laid the foundation for the genre that I love deserves a mention. If you haven’t read the books or seen the movies, stop depriving yourself and dive in.

  • The Lord of the Rings

  • The Hobbit

Joe abercrombie

I absolutely love how character driven Joe’s stories are and, as I mentioned on my other page, his mastery over character voice. Magic is a part of his world, but it’s something that helps move the plot, not a focal point; that remains with the characters you come to love, hate, admire, and disdain.

  • The First Law series

Orson scott card

If you love a good, page-turning sci-fi, then the Ender’s Game series is for you. A close friend’s favorite author, I’ve gone through the entirety of his Ender’s series. The main series that follows Ender is still my favorite among them, but they’re all worth a read.

  • The Ender’s Game Saga

There are a lot of authors and series I’ve read that aren’t on here, and several that I have on my very, very long TBR, such as Malazan, The Wheel of Time, and more. If you have recommendations of anyone else, including other indie authors, I’d love to hear them!